Sunday, October 15, 2006

User/Submitter equals Digg ban?

Ok so I was intrigued when I heard there was a service called user/submitter which allows you to digg stories and then get paid for digging them. I went to the site signed up and used it once or twice (they dont have that many stories to digg). I made like a dollar or something its really not that great of a service. So then a couple of days ago I logged back into User/Submitter and I saw there were like 15 stories to digg so I went to go do it. I goto digg hit the login button and get the message "Sorry Bad IP address." I was like w/e ill make a new account later. I goto the join digg link and get the same message again. Now I cant make a new account and cant use my old account so im stuck with just being able to read the stories and not being able to comment on them. That is pretty lame. The other thing is I didnt not get a single notice that said dont use this service or you will get banned. Where was the response from the team that we dont like this service. I watch diggnation I didnt see anything about it. I read digg probably like 5 times a day it is my second home page I didnt notice a damn thing. How could you Kevin, HOW?

Friday, August 25, 2006

The Performance Vista Look for Xp

Ok for this im going to show you how to achieve a vista like feel on your XP computer without using up all your system resources. I will also tell you some other options that are a lil more resource intensive if you really want the complete look. here is what you will need: IconPackager : a...

Business 2.0 magazine 50 people that matter

The Business 2.0 Magazine recently released their 50 people that matter an also 10 people who don't matter. Now the first person who matters is "You the consumer" now basically this is a load of bull first off your writing an article about 50 "People" who matter so I would like to read about 50...

Some Tips for Website promotion/optimization

Ok first off for domain names you want to make sure your domain has keywords for your site in it. If your site does web design you might want or more specific if your site does specifically flash designs get something like This can work for anything if...

TWiT Podcasting loosing focus

If you listen to podcasts then you have probably heard of the number 1 podcast "This Week in Tech". If you have been listening lately you might have noticed that the podcast is loosing focus. No one wants to hear about how advanced your setup or wats going on at and Dvorak's blog. I also dont...

Disproving Apple ads

If you havent been living under a rock for the last couple months then you have seen the new apple ad campaign. In this ad campaign there is an older geeky looking guy and a younger scruffier guy. Each one tells a different thing that makes Mac OS X seems better. Here are some: 1. OS X has better...

Hijack this logs

A lot of people always ask for people to decipher their hijackthis logs and since this is a community based upon learning from one another I would like to write a little tutorial for hjt covering the basics. Now I dont claim to be some HJT master but just some best practices before resorting to...

CSS implementations and Web Standards

Now that IE 7 is finally going to be released we can finally actually care about web standards. Before with IE 6 it did not have the same CSS implementations as say Firefox, Safari, and Opera. So often times web designers would have to sacrafice design for usability or do extra work to create a...

The end of Windows?Linux, Vista, and freemedia

Ok so if you guys have been following my blogging you will realize that I am a big fan of Linux, and if Linux could play the latest pc games with ease I would get rid of my Windows Xp altogether. I just have a question is Windows nearing the ends of its life span? Personally I would think that...

Opera an overlooked browser

Most people today are either using Internet Explorer or hopefully Firefox, but you never hear about that much about Opera. Opera is one of the fastest browsers I have used and I have yet to get a pop up on it with no extras installed. Also as far as web standards go it has about the same CSS and...

Linux PVR

Ok so the other day I came back to daniweb havent been on the forums in awhile and on the first blog i see is about Linux package management. In this article someone is explaining their frustration of setting up a PVR box for their home entertainment system. Now I would say that he chose the wrong...

Is the NSA watching your computer?

I recently found an article that included a simple theory on how to see whether or not your computer is being watched by the nsa. Ok so basically the background on this is that the nsa has been taking information out of AT&T's San Francisco's offices in a secret room. Now this sortof reminds me of...